The Ancient Underground Canals of Paris

The Eiffel Tower as an Atmospheric Energy Device

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Champ de Mars and the Eiffel Tower of Power

This was the site of the World Fairs/ International Expo’s. The Eiffel Tower is said to have been built for the 1889 World Fair but I recently found some images in the Rijksmuseum that says otherwise. The Eiffel Tower was always part of the skyline, I think thats why its so difficult to find pictures of this part of the city. All we can find are the Louvre and Hotel de Ville bc this section has buildings that aren’t supposed to have been built yet.

Phony Construction

That building is called the Trocadero

Click to expand

These images are supposed to be Eiffel Tower construction. They are anything but that. This is the first time they have seen the outside world after being locked up in the Amsterdam Museum for 150 years.

The Apartment

These entities are meant to humanize a system that’s based on revenge, the Justice System, the Just-Us System. We are enslaved by policy and corporations but figureheads give us someone to identify with and cheer for or place blame on, never fully identifying what the true nature of our oppressor is. The Hitler image is a fake, most Nazi images are fake. The characters are all pasted together, each one looking disconnectedly at nothing, the contrast is always slightly off, or maybe the focus. This group doesnt even have any shadows and the representative phallus symbol is just stock backdrop.

Meatsuits. How much you wanna bet Edison didn’t sign that but its used to hold up the narrative as evidence. Tommy was a scapegoat, a gatekeeper. How many times have you heard someone say he ‘stole’ Tesla’s patents? Neither of them invented shit. It’s the good cop/ bad cop schtick.

Hitler is the same way, even more so. The thing about historical characters is the more influence they have in his-story the more chances are he is probs fictional. Dolphy is known for his oration skills, they say thats how he bamboozled his way to a global powerhouse (LOL) Hitlers animated theatrical monologues are part of mindfucking the Orphan Class. Hitler reminds me most of Abraham Lincoln, pretty much every single aspect of American culture is influenced by Lincoln, Honest Abe, and he is a total media fabrication. The difference is Lincoln had about 6 stand in models and as far as I have scene Hitler was a full-time actor. The policies implimented as a result of the so called WW2 would be put in place regardless if a single character was born or not.

Wireless Telegraphy Station

There is no coincidence that a wireless radio station was affixed to the top of the tower. The narrative has some soap opera story about how the Tower was only supposed to be erected for 20 years but at the last minute some one decided to install a radio station which became useful because of approaching warfare. An episode labeled The Dreyfus Affair is written in the script by stage illusionist George Melies, that turned to the advancing movie technology as a new form of medium for psychological fuckery. The Dreyfus Affair included a chapter in which Dreyfus was falsly accused of selling military secrets of the Germans after the Franco-Prussian War. There was information about a wireless telegraph station in the tower included in the documents central to the fictional legal case which served mainly as a way to insert antisemitism into the narrative. The jews are the ones writing the narrative that use false ideology as a weapon.

Theres also no coincidence therefore that Edison was a major character in the story since he was the American contact for early electrical misinformation and propaganda.

Another nail in the coffin is the very first alledged radio transmission from the Eiffel Tower went to the Pantheon in 1899. The Pantheon is an entire separate mindfuck institute and connects again to the Eiffel Tower with the Faux-Could Pendulum, a carny scam illusion that supposedly proved the rotation of the Earth by the movement of a swinging ball on a wire.

Power Grid… For Reals?

This undated image I found in the dungeon of the Rijksmuseum., not that the dates necessarily mean anything. This might be my all-time favorite image, not bc of the ghost town or the muddy dirt streets, not even the fenced in construction sites in the foreground… The important part you wouldn’t even notice unless you know what you are looking for. Take a sec…

It’s the barely visible obelisk shaped markers on the corners and flanking the entry way. I have seen these before in sketches going back to at least 1717.

Contacting the MotherShip

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